“Embrace Nature, Be Organic”

Our Story

Awali Shea Butter

Awali Shea Butter was established in February 2016 with a main purpose of providing quality Nilotica (East African) Shea Butter to the personal care and cosmetic industry. Awali Shea Butter is co-owned by two sisters who pride themselves as naturalists and have over the last 5 years explored different ways to embrace natural and organic living in the personal care and cosmetic industry. Their inspiration comes for natural living, need for better health, less stress, to reduce toxic load in their body and environmental stewardship led them to seek natural alternatives to conventional..… so basically they have been embracing natural alternatives in everything i.e. avoid chemically treated hair, processed foods.

Awali product

Our Vision 

To be a leading player in the Shea industry in East and Sub-Sahara Africa.

Our Mission 

To provide high quality Shea Butter that is of high standards and promote sustainability in the Shea Industry.

Core Values

The following core values guide and inform every aspect of Awali Shea Butter operation. Excellence: we want to excel not only in the product offering, but in creation of employment and sustainability of the Shea industry.

  • Passion: we love and believe in the product we offer to the market.
  • Team work: everybody’s opinion counts. Awali’s workforce embodies teamwork.
  • Innovation: we bring you the Shea story, know how your product is created. Awali will continue to improve our products from time to time. This ensures we give our customers the best product. We will do this by continually interacting with the producers of the Shea butter and carrying out trainings where necessary to improve the production process. “In summary, Awali Shea Butter stands for excellence and passion, its employees embody teamwork and the products are all about innovation that brings to you the Awali story and how we try to improve the processes, quality, standard and sustainability in the Shea Industry”.

Our Team

Netlify illustration

Ms. Emily Waithira, Managing Director, Founder

She holds an MBA in Strategic Business Management, has worked in the humanitarian aid sector with International NGOs managing administration and finance processes in over 7 years. She has experience in developing and managing business processes, internal controls and knowledgeable in managing staff and getting their best performance.